----------#|#---------> ENGLISH <----------#|#---------
(danish below)
C2C can be challenging, so here are some tricks for making it a little easier:
1) Shuttles
Make shuttles with clips or similar. Roll up as much yarn as you think you will need. If you know you will need the same color multiple times, where you cant carry it over (like the red and white on the deadpool pillow, see pattern below)
2) Changing colors
To change colors, attach a shuttle and work with the new yarn. Think ahead: when will you need this color again? Think about whether or not it will make sense to carry the thread through the work, or if it will be better to attach a new shuttle at that time. In this pattern I had a lot of red and black shuttles, because these stand out a lot when they are carried through.
3) Pattern
Find a pattern online or use a grid to make one. I made this myself, by filling the grid while looking at a picture.
Every square is going to be a cluster of 4 dc's
To make it easier to follow the pattern and not make too many mistakes, I put on clips in different colors, so that I could work without constantly looking at the pattern.
If you need a grid, here is one : ) (Google will probably also get you plenty)
4) Turning the work
When you need to turn the work, and you have a lot of shuttles, put t he shuttles on the previous work, turn the work around and flip the shuttles out onto the table.
Here is the video, so if anything in this post was weird, I'm sure this will help : ) Happy new year!
----------#|#---------> DANISH <----------#|#---------
1) Skytter og små garnnøgler
Hvis der er mange steder hvor den samme farve skal bruges, så rul noget garn ud, og sæt en klips i, for at holde på det. Det er upraktisk at prøve at lave flere skytter hvis garnnøglet allerede sidder fast i arbejdet.
2) Farveskift
For at skifte farve, sættes et nyt garnnøgle eller en skytte på. Se lidt forud i mønsteret, på den række du er igang med, og se hvilken farve du får brug for senere. Nogle farver kan sagtens føres igennem uden problemer, hvor andre er meget tydelige.
3) Mønster
Der findes masser af mønstre på nettet - alt hvad der er pixel art kan bruges! Søg efter pixel art og det du har brug for på google. Jeg lavede selv mit mønster, ved at fylde en matrix
4) At vende arbejdet
Den nemmeste måde at vende arbejdet på, er at lægge skytter og garnnøgler op på arbejdet, vende det 180 grader og så vende garnet ud på bordet. Således bliver alt hvor det skal være.
Her er denne uges video hvor jeg også viser de her tips. Godt Nytår!
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